Resource Pages for DIY Small Business SEO

Understandably, not every small business has the funds to invest in a professional copywriting service or a dedicated content creation team. Many small business owners may want to try their own hand at writing articles, blogs, social media posts, and other written content. If you wish to undertake this type of project on your own, you must be sure to understand the basics of SEO in order to avoid the nasty pitfalls that can detrimentally impact site rankings.

One of the most important factors is ensuring that keywords are not repeated excessively. The outdated method of keyword stuffing articles with tens of repetitions of the same phrase simply does not work with modern search engines. They have gotten wise to these old-school practices and now rank websites based on terms appearing at a natural frequency among in-depth content that users enjoy (which they measure in time-on-page, bounce rate, etc. of the visitors coming to a given page).

While overusing exact-match terms will hurt your search engine rankings, writing content that is actually helpful to users will result in higher SERP (Search Engine Result Page) rankings. Modern search engines are smart enough to know if your content is sparse or repetitive (DO NOT COPY CONTENT!). So, the best thing you can do is aim to write about a topic in an in-depth, thorough manner that will be helpful to searchers who are seeking information regarding that subject. If the content is something you would actually like to read yourself, then your customers are probably going to like it as well.

Of course, there are a lot of things to consider in order to optimize search engine rankings and develop content and copy that sell your products and/or services while also appealing to consumers. Here are some links to resource pages sorted by skill level to help you learn more about how to improve your SEO copywriting skills.